Good fundraising must by definition be embedded within organisations – fully owned by the Board and by the teams who will ultimately deliver the funded projects. These are the people in whom funders are investing and with whom they will build lasting, sustained relationships, around a common cause.
My aim is to support every element of fundraising within and as part of these wider teams, engaging them fully every step of the way. This often means workshop-style discussions – whether to shape the organisation’s forward plan, refine project plans, or consult with audiences or service users. Facilitation is an important part of my work, drawing out the ideas, knowledge, experience and views that help shape projects and plans to be the best they can be. Elements of training are often built in too, equipping teams across the charity with a deeper understanding of fundraising and how they can contribute to its long-term success.
On completing a commission I aim for organisations to be stronger and better able to develop future fundraising under their own steam. Light-touch mentoring is often helpful at this stage, providing arms-length support to teams and individuals, and practical, hands-on support where needed.
Good fundraising must be embedded within organisations – fully owned by the Board and by the teams who deliver the funded projects. I aim to support every aspect of fundraising within these wider teams. Facilitation is an important element here, drawing out the ideas, knowledge and experience that help shape projects to be the best they can be.
Training and mentoring are often built in too, equipping teams across the charity with a deeper understanding of fundraising and how they can contribute to its long-term success.